Friday, December 9, 2011

What annoys me.....

From quite sometime there has been lurking under the surface of my general pleasant demeanor a boiling rage fueled by the rebel in me. The reasons are many and solutions are few or largely widely-spread issues which affect-us in our daily lives, many of us ignore/ turn a blind eye to some of these issues/events but how long can we stay oblivious in our happy worlds inspite for the all the turmoil happening all around us bought to us straight to our homes by television/internet and other forms of media.
Why should we accept and go on about our routine chores as if the world is the happiest place to live in?
The usurpation of the wealth/ disproportionate resources which belong to the world and all of us including every creature that inhabits the earth by a few. The recent spate of protests by masses including the wall-street protests, those across Rome, Italy and other parts of Europe protesting against corporate greed has bought this boiling rage that many-a-common man has. The greed/selfishness and heights of it shown by some shameless corporate leaders even at the cost of leaving many a poor man hungry, dying of thirst, without a roof on their head.
The Government across nations which are in theory supposed to be a voice of our nation/people encourages this behavior because the most influential and those at the helm of things running these political parties are  fed by these same people. The first example that comes to mind is when on a visit to the Tehri dam built on the Bhagirathi river in the beautiful state of Uttarakhand there was protests being staged by the local's against the construction of this dam as it invoveld relocation/disruption of about 100,000 people, environmental concerns over the location of the dam in the fragile Himalayan region and also the potential disruption of the flow of the normal course of one of the major tributaries of the Ganges. However as usual the locals are silenced and the powerful-wealthy man who will use the electricity which will be generated by it's construction wins.
The unfairness of the world we live-in the concentration of most of the earths resources in the hand of few is something which gives me this 'aargh' feeling.

Another issue/concern which is close to my heart but very few people can relate to or even understand is the unethical treatment of animals and that to in a country where there are maximum Vegetarians and where certain animals are considered sacred. Killing of animals pleasing our palate and greedy taste-buds, the brutality with which animals are treated in dairies, use of a camel/monkey/bears in circuses or generally treating animals as lesser beings. For someone who feels all living things have equal right over this land that we share, every creature feels the same pain, has similar emotions as we have. I cringe at the sight of this cooked meat that sometimes I have to stare at when I am on a dinner with a bunch of friends.
This unfairness an general and empathy will make anyone cringe. I shall admit there is a hypocrite in each one of us but then it bothers me how some don't even notice or even care of actually go about propagating these concerns and the total lack of empathy.
Whew......those were a few things that bother me....more about the rest later.....

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