Sunday, January 8, 2012

The Corporatisation of lives

For a vast majority of us who are of a part of this corporate era, which occupies the most of our time. There are many side-effects of making a corporate an integral part of your life.
a) Narrow-mindedness, the range of thoughts is limited to your work area, specialistaion promotes mastery in one field and promotes complete ignorance in other aspects of work, life. Creativity or doing things differently is applauded and taken seriously only if it is corporatised ie. there is a potential huge monetary benefit as a result.
b) Friends continue to become distant and converations with most of them become just time-fillers. Phone calls go to your voice mails or remain as missed calls. Work remains of foremost importance and friendships secondary.
c)The feeling of noone but my colleagues understand me creeps in and thus this awkward pauses when meeting people outside of work.
d)Unhealthy snacking becomes a part of your lifestyle. Since you are always on the move, picking up the easiest thing available is what becomes the norm and paunchy men with waistlines crossing the pleasantly healthy mark are a common sight.
e)Spondilitis and myopia are common maladies which affect this class, especially the laptop carrying working population.
f)Corporatisation promotes sameness, everyone seems a clone of another. Straighned hair, smart formals with similar prints , men with similar trousers and shirts. The use of similar vocabulary around. The lunch table discussions varying around cricket to movies....the sameness of everything brings with it, the advent of boredom.
g) Meetings are usually pretentious gatherings of sophisticated people ususally involving the higher management who sit around huge-screened LCD's and seriously debate movements in numbers reflected by graphs. The outcomes of many of these gatherings are generally zilch.
i) Several corporates come with their share of 'Desperados', these miidle-aged men with high libidos looming everywhere , they are fliratious with any 'decent' looking female collegue or acquaintance, they also come up with double-meaning jokes/one-liner's with sexual undertones, which make their female counterparts uncomfortable.
j) Anyone with different opinions, views, tastes is scoffed at. Homogenity is appreciated and gives rise to a sense of security.
h) Every corporate has a set of slogans/mottos/values which are brimming with positivity and motivation. These words are repeated at each gathering to promote a sense of well-being and said in high pitches to motivate the members of such organisations. Many of these slogans are phony and hollow when looked at from a broader perspective.
j) Biases are promoted by such institutions. Higher Designations call for more respect. Sucking up to such 'top-line' people is the best way to reach the top.
k) Building real relations, friends etc is replaced by networking which involves keeping in touch with as many people as you can who have the potential for future benefits for you. Genuiness is lost and every relationship is built is for a shrewdly thought-of potential gain.

These are some of the ways corporatisation has affected our lives and the cons it brings along withn it....

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