Friday, October 25, 2013

Quiet people...let them be!

'The Power of Introverts- In a world that can't stop talking' by after reading this best-seller by Susan Cain where the trials and tribulations of an introvert have been highlighted. Not to say certain types of personality types are superior. But all different types should be allowed to co-exist in harmony without judgmental frows. How often have you heard of cases of parents apologising for their quiet child's extraordinary quietness. There should be a reason to justify it, a trauma in the past or something which explains such 'abnormal' behavior (just not interacting with people for the sake of it, even when you have nothing important to say is not a good enough reason).  This is the day and age where unabashed self-promotions are a norm, those quiet go-getters are not taken seriously or overlooked or else are constantly looked at with wonderment. Accepting all personality types is the need of the hour, so that there is no insecurity bred in those quiet children or sense of social neglection amongst them.

As a resident of a cosmopolitan bursting at it's seams city, quietness is always valued. Loudness in everything needs to be turned one notch down. If history was anything to go by Silence breeds creativity. The book describes how those scientists, artists who create something new have always succeeded in solitude, nothing 'new' was ever created or invented by a team, community or a group of people. Their space is always respected. Given this space helps nuture thoughts different from others, not influenced and sub-consciously directed always. Though at every stage our society teaches us co-operative behavior and team-building is a value promoted by it,the convenience  with the discipline it brings is wide-spread right from our schools, workplace, supermarkets, community centers etc somewhere the individuality of the person is lost. Clones are created and new ideas and thoughts are marred. Stagnation of the society could be a repercussion of this. But still someone or the other are always telling that introvert to loosen up, speak more and be normal! It is viewed as a social disorder. In my opinion, social reformation and awareness is needed to clear this myth of introvertedness and create a happier co-existence among different personality types.


(P.S. This is not a self-realisation post, I am an ambivert (little of both), mere thoughts to share but I do have a greater fondness for the quiet ones)

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