Tuesday, October 29, 2013

***Moments to cherish***

Pleasant memories make you smile. A tough day...the jerk-driver cut your lane...your ass of a boss thinks he knows it all...your dear friend and you have a heated argument... nothing is going your way...you just take some 10 minutes and ponder on all those moments which made you smile.

The list I came up with after a hard day of incessant bad things everything was looking black and dreary, made me feel all warm and fuzzy:
Tear-drop sized dew on the barks of the mahogany tree
Purplish horizons stretching endlessly over still waters
Stormy pools of water swirling over the sea
Flaming skies of fire
Blueberries half-crushed over ice slabs
Warm hot scones on a wintery night
Stretched of crimson hues on tiny petals
Grey kaleidoscopic skies
Old grey elephants sad eyes
Frail kittens with shadowy eyes
Echoes of insects thundering around you
Gigantic waves on stone-fenced walls
Bubble balls hazing your vision
Wooden branches intertwined endlessly
Dancers eyes smiling on you
Musical trance of the ebb of ocean waves
Brown-eyed puppy waiting for a good petting
The silence in space and deep oceans
Darkness of ancient caves
Riverbed carved with mythical stories
Snake-shaped ant armies on dusty rocks
Sketching 18th century carvings on a orange canvas
Embellishments of royal princesses shining through glass cases

The list can go on and on....but mission accomplished :) :) :)

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