Monday, August 22, 2011

Muck, Protests and Gibberish

2010 was the year of scams. The muck in the political system was bought to our homes by these 24 hour news channels. We were all just recovering from the Commonwealth games scam when the 2G scam surfaced. How much can one take? Anna Hazare's fight against corruption is fueled by the rage the common man has against corruption at every level, the pervasiveness of this political/ social evil has frustrated every honest indian who has to bear the brunt right from while traveling on the road to while buying a plot of land. The tipping point has been reached. The mass protests all over the country are an outlet of this bottled up frustration.
A solution suggested by one a is legalizing bribery and since it is already such an integral part of the system why not make it legal.
The government official who has the power to push a 100 crore deal and who is paid a meager 20000 salary per month will demand his portion in the form of bribes, increasing his salary is another solution but since the gap is huge, it is likely even with an increase in salary the greed remains and the problem remains.
Punishing the offenders can also prove a deterrent but often the guilty are seen escaping due to delays in our judicial system and sometimes ironically the presence of corrupt politicians who have the power to influence the working of the judiciary.
For me since I suffer from agoraphobia, participating in a mass protest is not my thing...but the rebel in me supports the cause heartily. Though the government is having a tough time tackling this wide spread unrest led by Anna , the media houses , especially have been capitalising on the issue. Dearth of' breaking news' in the past few weeks was causing a fall in their ratings. now hourly updates, vital health statistics of Anna who is on a fast, his supporters one-liners and most of all gibberish by 'experts' occupy the primetime slots.
Though I am not aware of the nuances of the "Lokpal bill". The anti-corruption drive and the awareness it has created will hopefully make our lives easier and curb this social evil if not end it.

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