Saturday, August 6, 2011

Dual personalities

I have this habit of predicting responses to a specific situation and reactions as I interact with an individual. As a keen observer of human behaviour, this week bought in some suprises. I was caught unaware quite a few times. There was this lady with a condescending tone and constant need for attention who was the cause of constant annoyance for her co-workers. She was never wrong and was this perfect angel in her mind's eye. But when by chance I came upon her exchanging some words with a superior, she was this timid rabbit scurrying to go down her hole looking for a place to hide(her desk which was behind a stack of files). This almost 360 degree turn in her personality got me thinking about how a split personality exists in each one of us. Though corporate civilities call for respect for those with a higher designation it doesn't warrant a transformation of personality. 
Do all of us carry in us a split personality- adapting and showing shades of those personalities only as per our situations ?  
Different shades of personality exist and most traits are lying passive unless a specific situation awakens this trait. There are instances when we hear of how the quiet and kind boy next-door is the suspect in the killing of his neighbour, now we won't know the whole facts of the real situation but how does a henious act of taking the life of someone fit into this quiet and kind nature of the boy. The human behaviour is a complex and dyanmic and even the best psychologists wouldn't ever discover its fully. Thus drawing a conclusion on the existence of multiple personalities in every individual is a scary but a thought worth pondering upon.

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