Saturday, May 21, 2011

Little things that make me smile:)

I was just pondering on what brings a smile on my face, apart from the usual joking around with friends, teasing, poking fun, material pleasures the following are some of the things which lit my face up :
A baby elephant nuzzling against its mother.

The sight of my dog running towards me , wagging her scruffy tail everytime she sees me.

Walking in a garden ,smelling the mud after the first showers of rain.

Watching the rain lashing against the car window while going on a long drive.

Looking at drops of morning dew on a green-leaf of a flowering plant.

A small but memorable gift from a loved one.

Coming home after a long vacation

Conversing with my 7 year old cousin.

Smell of home-cooked food after a long time.

My baby nephew clutching my finger tightly when I carry him around.

Meeting an old friend after a long gap.

Chatting about childhood memories.

The sunrise on a beach.

Staring at the ocean come alive at night.

Watching the reflection of moonlight in a waterbody.

A surprise visit by a loved one.

The sight of a rainbow on a field

A farmer drenched in sweat eating his hard-earned meal.

Children running out from school as the final bell rings.

Ticking off any item from my list of 'things to do before i die'

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