Thursday, February 24, 2011

Souls, mysticism & more

Lately I have discovered this mystic side of me which is curious about the inexact ‘sciences’ like astrology, numerology etc. Not that I rely on it ,or read & believe in those daily horoscopes. But I sort of have a feeling there is something in it & not totally gibberish.
I just read my Past life analysis , as re-birth is one of the concepts of Hinduism . It says Our soul remains the same but we obtain different life forms. Some questions which immediately crop up my mind are : What is intriguing is that since the population keeps increasing, & every being has a soul, so does that mean, the soul splits or new ones are generated. Splitting of souls sounds scary (even every Harry Potter fan will associate it with something heinous ) & if new souls are being generated then what is the source? Is there even a thing such a soul or is it only a creation of religious myth? Where does the soul of a living thing go after its physical form perishes? Does it go up flying somewhere in space as most of us picture in our heads? Then through some complicated process are we assigned new physical forms? What is the correlation between a soul & morality- does an immoral act diminish/corrupt the soul?hmmm.....
So anyway my past life analysis reads like this “You were probably born as a human who was a great teacher. You could well have been the person who imparted essential knowledge & wisdom to some of the most famous & legendary names we know today. Even today you are one of those persons who are intellectually superior to others. You are very interested in knowing & exploring new facts & In improving your overall knowledge”.
I can relate to the above analysis. It feels nice to even think of a possibility of having had such an interesting past life. Hope I can go one step higher in this life.

As per numerology my Birth Number is ‘1’ – The Innovator.
“It is associated with new beginnings. You are an original person. You constantly get ideas about doing something new. You are full of positive energy & very ambitious in life. You love to take initiatives & are most likely to assume leadership position. You prefer to be self-reliant & don’t take help of others.”
Again I can associate many of these things with how I go about my life.
But since we are all rational beings & who are thought at every stage of life to see things as black or white, we sometimes miss out on the grays & lighter shades of black. Also since these cannot be proved with evidences, so there will always be this undertone of suspicion.

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